Thursday, October 4, 2012

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

SARS was first reported in Guangdong Province (China), Hanoi (Vietnam), and Hong Kong. It is a virus that is transimited through the air by respiratory droplets which are caused by coughing or sneezing directly into the air (SARS Basics). The disease itself was first reported by Dr. Carlo Urbani of the World Health Organization (Severe). Tiawan, China was where the last case was of SARS was before the outbreak was stopped (Graph). By the end of the outbreak 8,098 people worldwide had been infected with the SARS virus, 774 of those people had died (SARS Basics).


  1. When was the last outbreak?

  2. Patrick,

    Definitely add more posts about all of the information you collected. I do like your use of gadgets in listing the symptoms, and the links, but it is hard to find those links at the bottom unless you are looking for them. Maybe add them to the side so the eye is drawn there easier.


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  5. do you have any more information from the CDC or the WHO
